There are so many beautiful projects you can create with a piece of wood and wood burning tool. Literally everything you can imagine, can be transferred on a wood. If pyrography is new to you, than this article is for you.

Pyrography means “writing with fire”, from the Greek pur (fire) and graphos (writing).Pyrography dates from the 17th century and reached its highest standard in the 19th century. In its crude form it is pokerwork.

Let’s start from choosing the right wood. It is very important, because the quality of your work will mostly depend on it.

Beginners use MDF very frequently, but it is not a very good choice, because MDF plywood is chemically treated to resist rot, mold, and mildew so burning MDF can be bad for your health. We have to stay away from all types of wood that have been treated with any kind of chemicals or varnishes (like used furniture etc.). It might even make the wood burst into small flames.

If you want your design to show up nicely, choose a light-colored soft wood with a nice smooth surface and minimal wood grain. For example, pinewood, basswood, aspen wood, cedar wood, cherry wood.
* P.S. Cherry wood smells very wonderful, while burning.

These were the most commonly used types of wood.
* You can get more detailed information about the right types of wood for pyrography here .

Don’t start working, if the wood is not already smooth. You better sand the wood before using it. Take sandpaper (320 grit or higher) and lightly sand the entire piece. This will get rid of any shallow burns and graphite marks. tool. Clean all the sawdust off the wood, we need a nice clean piece for the shading. The smoother the surface, the easier it is to draw designs with a wood burning.

Before starting your real project, you better test the kit out on a little piece of wood. Little practice never interferes. Try different types of lines, crosshatch, squiggles, and pointillism

They say that ‘messiness is a sign of creativity’, but it can be dangerous for you, as a wood burning tool is very hot, so don’t have anything that could possibly melt nearby. So, rule number five — prepare working area. Have a spot ready to rest the hot tool when pausing and turn it off if you need to stop or leave the room. A fire-resistant surface like a ceramic tile makes a good base for the tool.

Be patient. Let the tool do the work. Don’t push it, move slowly. Wood burning is a slow process so do not try to rush it or you will make mistakes. Take a break if you need to.

Don’t forget about your health and safety. Using respirator mask and electric fan are highly recommended.

Now it’s your turn. Follow the instructions and dive into the awesome art of pyrography!

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